How to Apply

The Honors College application is closed for fall 2024 entry.

the application will reopen in September 2024 for fall 2025 entry.


DeadlineDecision Notification
Priority DecisionYour application is guaranteed a full review and decision.December 1, 2024February 2025
As Space Available DecisionYour application may be reviewed should space still be available in the program.March 1, 2025March – May 2025 (Rolling)

Program Applications

  • Applicants are automatically sorted by the major for consideration in three programs.
  • Applicants not selected for AAHP or BHP may be considered for UHP admission.
  • Please Note: Students may be a member in only one of these honors programs.

Required Application Materials

Prepare the following materials to apply to the Honors College:

1. List of Activities

Please list and briefly describe any honors, awards, accomplishments, leadership positions, paid employment, and/or significant extracurricular activities (e.g., community service, clubs, sports, band, orchestra, etc.) you have earned or held during high school (or college, if applicable). Indicate the organization’s full name rather than the acronym. Add your activities in order of importance to you, with the first activity being the most important. Be sure to include your name at the top of the page.

2. Original Essay

The purpose of this essay is to help us get to know you as a person and understand how you think. You should submit polished writing that demonstrates authenticity, creativity, and analytical reflection. The best essay will give the review committee a clear sense of the unique intellectual and creative contributions you are poised to make to the UNC Charlotte community. Be sure to specifically address the prompt provided in no more than 500 words. Essays over 500 words will not be considered. Please include your name and date of birth at the top of the document.

Honors and merit scholars programs at UNC Charlotte expect you to be intellectually curious. Tell us about an idea that has piqued your intellectual curiosity, describe it, and tell us how you have pursued it in your high school years. Use specific examples of how you have used critical thinking and the inquiry process to deepen your knowledge of this idea.

The best essays will be:

  • Polished writing that demonstrates authenticity, creativity, and analytical reflection
  • Gives the review committee a clear sense of the unique intellectual and creative contributions you are poised to make to the Charlotte community

Note: The Honors College expects that applicants’ responses to the above prompt are entirely their own and reflect their personal experiences, ideas, and language. While it can be a helpful tool, artificial intelligence (AI) should not be used in the production of this essay.

*It is acceptable for you to use an essay you have submitted for another UNC Charlotte application if you feel it adequately addresses the prompt.

3. Two Academic Letters of Recommendation

Who to Ask

An academic reference is defined as a current or former teacher or professor who was your instructor for at least one academic course.

Who Not to Ask

Family members, friends, coaches, current/former employers or co-workers, leaders of a faith-based or community organization, or similar connections should not be used as academic references.

What Recommenders Should Highlight

Recommenders should speak on your academic achievements, level of motivation, work ethic, and potential for continued success in higher education. Recommenders who are able to provide information about your character, personality, and/or leadership skills are beneficial.

When to Ask Recommenders

Select and approach your recommenders early. Writing detailed letters can be a time-consuming process, and you should seek to provide enough time for recommenders to complete and upload their letter.

How Do Recommenders Submit Their Letter

  • Recommenders receive an email and must upload their letters to the application portal. (Priority Decision recommendation letters are due no later than Dec. 5, As Space Available recommendation letters are due no later than March 5)
  • Applications with incomplete recommendation letters on Dec. 1 will roll over to the As Space Available pool.

*It is acceptable for you to use the same academic recommenders you have used for another UNC Charlotte application.