Daniel Smith

Daniel Smith
Hometown: Harmony, NC
Daniel was actively involved in several honor societies and programs, including the Biology Honors Program, the University Honors Program, and the Phi Kappa Phi National Honor Society. Daniel was also heavily involved in undergraduate research: his research is entitled “The effects of PolyDOTs on the Eastern Oyster, Crassostrea virginica.” He presented his research at numerous conferences, including the North Carolina Honors Association Conference at UNC Asheville (September 2015), the Association of Southeastern Biologists Conference in Concord (April 2016), the UNC Charlotte Undergraduate Research Conference (April 2016), and the UNC Charlotte Summer Research Symposium (July 2016). Daniel was also employed in several different positions while at UNC Charlotte: Undergraduate Teaching Assistant for Biochemistry; Pharmacy Technician at the Foster Drug Company; Bilingual Clinical Assistant at Storehouse for Jesus Free Medical Clinic; Intern at La Clínica Nutrisaluda (San Jose, Costa Rica); and as a fellow in the Biology and Biotechnology Research Experience for Undergraduates. Daniel studied abroad twice, spending ten weeks in San Jose, Costa Rica, during the summer of 2014, and then traveling to Cuba during his spring break in 2016, as a part of UNC Charlotte’s “Cuban Healthcare Paradox” class. In his free time, Daniel enjoys kayaking, paddle boarding, traveling, and cooking. He is fluent in Spanish and loves coffee.
Immediately after graduating from UNC Charlotte, Daniel moved to Atlanta, Georgia to attend graduate school at Emory University where he will be a Fuld Service Learning Fellow in the Accelerated MSN program with a Family Nurse Practitioner Concentration.